About us

About us

Agarden restaurant is located in a sensitively renovated rural building opposite the Baroque church of St. Wenceslas on the village square of the small village of Bosen, located on the border of Český ráj. The grand opening took place on 1 June 2011.

Our wish is that you feel comfortable with us, forget about everyday worries and like to come back to us.

Whether it is a weekday or a more festive occasion, you will always be looked after with an emphasis on your comfort.

Agarden restaurant ... Your paradise at hand.


Our philosophy

Agarden restaurant is focused on world cuisine with the main emphasis on the freshness of the ingredients served, using seasonal food and products, often of our own domestic production. The green herbs we use to flavour your meal are harvested directly from our garden.
Our menu features elements of French and Italian cuisine. You will also find traditional Czech dishes with a modern twist. The main aim is to preserve the essence and simplicity of the main ingredients, as this is the only way to create the taste of the final product.


History of the place

The village of Boseň is situated about fourteen kilometres northeast of Mladá Boleslav and four kilometres southeast of Mnichovo Hradiště. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1057. The human settlement in the cadastre of Boseň is one of the oldest in the Pojizeří region. The archaeological sites of Hrada and Klamorna (Mužský locality) are among the most valuable in Bohemia, and the findings here prove the presence of people as early as the Early Stone Age - 5,000 years ago. After the Slavs settled here, it was one of the most important strongholds of the Charvat tribe.


Where to go in the area

Ruins of the Valečov Castle - It was originally a wooden castle, partly carved into the sandstone rocks, built in 1300. The castle was abandoned from the mid-17th century onwards, and later the poor moved in and were evicted at the end of the 19th century. At that time the castle was a source of cheap building material. The ruins of the original medieval castle have been preserved and are now a protected cultural monument. There are also rock dwellings, a prison and a hunger house near Valečov Castle, which were part of the forecourt. The castle itself offers a beautiful view and cultural events are held here during the summer. The ruins are open to the public from May to October according to visiting hours.


Valečov rock flats - when visiting the castle Valečov, you must not miss a tour of the Valečov world. It is a complex of 28 apartments carved directly into the sandstone rocks located in the adjacent forest. They served as the dwelling of the castle family and probably also as a fortified camping and wintering ground in Hussite times. After the castle was abandoned at the beginning of the 18th century, the little world became the dwelling of the local poor, the so-called "rock dwellers". The floors of the small rooms were wooden, the windows were glazed and set into the rock. The doors were also adapted to the rocks. Most of the rooms had stoves with chimneys built over the rocks. Some niches were used by the rock dwellers as stables for domestic animals. At the end of the 19th century, seven families of several members, about thirty people, lived here. There was a midwife, a splitter or a sugar melter. In 1892, on the basis of a decree of the district governorate in Mnichovo Hradiště, a forced eviction took place, when these inhabitants were relocated to the surrounding villages.


Mužský - the village conservation area of Mužský. It is a village of medieval origin, first mentioned in 1400 on the old settlement area. It is situated on the plateau of the rocky massif of Mužský in the Jičín hills.


Peak Mužský - is a dominant basalt hill (463 m) in the middle of a sandstone plateau divided by ravines into 5 parts (Hrada, Mužský, Příhrazské skály, skály u Valečova and Drhlenské skály). On the top there is a monument to the victims of the Prussian-Austrian war from 1866. From the monument there is an excellent circular view of the beautiful Czech landscape and in good weather you can see the whole sixth of Bohemia from the top.


Church of St. Wenceslas in Boseň - The Baroque building from 1729 stands on the site of the original Gothic church of St. John the Baptist, which is mentioned in Bosnia as early as the 14th century. Only the old bell with the inscription "In the year of the Lord 1567, this bell was rung in honour and praise to the Lord God Almighty and founded by St. John, for the noble Lord Hynek Vančura of Řehnice and on Valečov by Peter Vančura. Since 2003, regular services have begun again in this parish."


Mnichovo Hradiště State Castle - was originally the Renaissance seat of Václav Budovec of Budov, later it became the property of the Wallenstein family. It was founded at the beginning of the 17th century and later rebuilt in Baroque style. The chateau is open to the public and offers three sightseeing tours and one tour directly for children.
